On Style Influences


My internet pal Riccardo Mori posted a lovely photo on his Flickr gallery – a window shot with silhouettes and great lighting.

“I’m glad you liked it,” he said. “I thought you might.”

That got me thinking: are my stylistic preferences so obvious? Is it easy to suss what I like? It’s probably pretty simple to know what I like based on the types of photos I post to my own Flickr feed and blog.

While I tend to like lots of styles of photography, I guess there is one that draws my eye more than others. The background on this is my years-long photo book adventure: taking photo books from the masters and studying them to see what moves me.

The first time I really felt the “aha” moment was when I saw Ray Metzker’s work:


That low-key lighting, the deep shadows, the shafts of sunlight illuminating a street scene. It’s dramatic, almost apocalyptic, and I loved it when I saw it.

Metzker’s mentor, Harry Callahan, was an originator of this look:


From here, it’s easy to see the influence these guys had on a modern day, LA street shooter, Rinzi Ruiz (@streetzen here on Tumblr):


Ruiz does a lot of black and white work, but his color work seems extra punchy.

So that’s where the deep shadow, punchy color influence comes from. These photographers are doing it on the street, and on a seemingly grander scale.

A more intimate shooter, Patrick la Roque, is another influence.


I called the above shot “the most perfect photo,” because it has everything I look for: dramatic lighting, beautiful colors, and that special glow. Patrick does a great job of capturing his family and home surroundings, and his work is a continual inspiration for me.

And then my all-time favorite is Saul Leiter’s color work from New York:


It’s hard to overstate Saul’s influence on just about everyone. For me, it’s more than the style. It’s his special eye – the way he makes each photo a painting, and uses perspective and zones within the composition to tell a story.


William Eggleston was another influence for me. His work in Los Alamos and William Eggleston’s Guide was fantastic, and he helped me see the beauty in the ordinary.

The trick to all this is to not let style get in the way of substance, or meaning.

I keep seeing photographers using that low-key, high-contrast look to great effect. Maybe my style will change, maybe not. Maybe it will evolve, or maybe I’ll stick with what I like. I don’t know.

But I know what I like, and that’s led me to some fun creative spaces.

Photographer Profile: Matt Lockwood

Who are you, where are you, and what do you do?

I’m Matt Lockwood and I currently live in a small town in the northeast corner of Indiana. I’m a business professional with a very enjoyable career in the data and content analysis field.

How did you get started in photography?

I started gaining a strong interest in photography after I graduated from college in 2012 (Oakland University, Go Golden Grizzlies!) with a BA in Cinema Studies. A lot of my inspiration comes from some of my favorite directors such as Ingmar Bergman, John Ford, David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcock, Andrei Tarkovsky, Carl Th. Dreyer, Charlie Chaplin, and Federico Fellini.

Some films that have inspired me include Seventh Seal, Onibaba, 8 ½, Ivan’s Childhood, Night of the Hunter, and Vampyr.

What do you like about your photography?

What I love most about my work is the many ways to explore natural lighting, composition, exposure, and different types of film stock. I’m currently a huge fan of Ilford Delta 400 and Ilford HP5 Plus 400.

You do great black and white work, and that translates well to your film work. Where do you get inspiration for your style/ideas?

The themes I like to explore in my work include realism, neo-realism, and avant-garde expressionism.

Any upcoming projects or shoots you’re working on?

I plan on starting a portrait project. There isn’t really a theme for it, but more of an exploration of different individual expressions and moods.

Check out more of Matt’s photos at his Flickr gallery.

Why You Need to Publish a Photo Book


If I had one wish for photography right now, it would be for talented photographers to publish more books.

Publish 5 or 1000 copies, but get it out there. Share what you’ve learned, even if the lessons you have to teach are lessons we’ve already learned. If they’re valuable, we need to hear them again and again.

Too often photographers consider their end product to be framed prints or one-off Instagram posts.

What would change about your photography style if you were forced to think in terms of a creating books? It would force you to think as a storyteller. That’s the greatest skill a photographer can cultivate.

Two thoughts.

One is that making a book is not easy. Although there are tons of companies out there who will help you make a photo book (and at a decent price), it’s still a project. There’s editing, and organization, and thematic thinking, and quality control.

And two, it’s so much fun, and such a great expansion of an already-fun hobby. Making a photo book will be one of the highlights of my creative life. In fact, it’s kind of addicting, because now I want to make all kinds of books. I’ve already got one baking in the oven.

Photographer Profile: Jake M (dissonantdays)

Who are you, where are you, and what do you do?

They call me “Jake” on the streets… because… it’s my name. I am located in the Pacific Northwest, which is just about one of the greatest places ever… if you travel around inside of it. I do things. I like to take pictures (surprise!), ride my bike, sleep, sulk, and eat. You know, human stuff. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and work at a hotel… so you know… living this dream.

How did you get started in photography?

I was a curious child. My mom used to take a lot of photos of our family with old point-and-shoot cameras, and I would always chew o n them…. or try to eat them or something. Once I became a teenager, I stopped trying to eat cameras, and started using them for their intended purpose. I took a few (film) photography classes at my school, and really enjoyed all the processes involved with taking photos and printing them.

What do you like about your photography?

I don’t really like. I think it’s a little dramatic. I think I’m good at being dramatic with my photos… but do I like that? Ehhhh… The things I like about my photography are the things that people don’t get to see. Photography is and will always be (hopefully) cathartic for me.

A lot of your work focuses on nature, especially at the macro level. I love your sense of depth and layers, and your color work. Where do you get inspiration for your style/ideas?

I tend to be a fairly reserved, quiet, non-confrontational person… and so I suppose photography is my form of therapy/anger management. I feel like I’m venting when I’m rummaging around out in the freezing cold taking pictures. I feel the same when I’m editing my photos. It’s my time to be in control.

What kinds of themes do you explore with your work?

I think most of my themes (for me) are emotional in nature (get it!?). Obviously, nature is a big part of that. I consider myself an environmentalist, so a lot of my photos end up being some kind of dissonant personification of nature reflected off myself. I hope that makes sense.

Any upcoming projects or shoots you’re working on?

My work is kind of inhibiting when it comes to making future plans. I do have plenty of locations I am planning on visiting (with a camera) when I get some time. The Bruneau Dunes and Payette River are certainly within my grasp.

Check out Jake’s Tumblr, and check out his other photography Tumblr, @activeoblivion for more good work.