


“When we get to the other side of the slog and look back, what will we have contributed, learned and created?” – Seth Godin

Sadly, not much, but I keep trying. Every day. 

Watching and Waiting

I may have gone a little far on the snark in my last blog post. It was born out of frustration, and the all-too-human need to correct those we think are wrong.

It’s not like me to do things like that, but then these are weird times, aren’t they? 

I’m facing a summer’s worth of working from home, no school for the kids until the fall (maybe?), and dumb people doing dumb things with little concern for the safety of others.

To stay occupied, I’m trying to pick up my camera more and try little things: taking photos outside while we enjoy the fresh spring air, or grabbing some macro shots of the hyacinths and daffodils sitting on the kitchen table. It’s something. 

Each new day is just a day. We watch and wait for some good news in the world, but we’re more often disappointed. 

Into the Groove

It really is the new normal, isn’t it? 

Not that being stuck at home is fun, or comfortable, but I feel like we’re starting to get the hang of things around here.

What’s helped me:

  • Establishing a daily routine for me and the kids
  • It’s spring, which means I can send the kids outside, and we can all get out and walk 
  • Spring cleaning will keep all of us busy
  • Taking my own advice and giving myself some projects to keep busy: cleaning camera equipment, starting a new batch of cider, and getting back into the fitness regiment. 

The situation isn’t great, but it’s not as bad as it was a week or two ago. And that’s something. 

Life, overall, is quieter. On our walk this week, I only noticed two cars driving down our typically-busy neighborhood streets. I don’t have a commute anymore. Most of what I hear, day to day, is the birds chirping, and I’ll take that any day. 

Spring has sprung. Can you imagine dealing with this in the arctic days of January? 


City Without Seasons

Last week, to get out of the house, I did the uncool thing and headed downtown to see what it looked like with our governor’s shelter-in-place order.

As Florence sings, it was a city without seasons. March is the November of spring – the weird in-between one. No leaves on the trees, no flowers blooming just yet, and streets as empty as can be.

The truth is that downtown Jackson is pretty empty on weekday nights after 5 p.m. But last week it was extra desolate. I stopped a person or two wandering around downtown, just like me.

Things really got interesting when a guy noticed me taking pictures. “Hey, want to take photos inside the theatre?” This is Jackson’s Michigan Theatre, the city’s lone operational classic theatre. The man was wearing a protective mask. I’m not sure what his role was at the theatre, but he had the whole place to himself. I got the sense, as I was taking photos inside, that the guy was simply lonely. Or he wanted to show off the place. I had to excuse myself after 10 minutes, or else the man would’ve given me the full tour of the place. 

So I headed back outside, into the sunshine, to photograph our empty downtown.

With spring coming, and with more light, it’s nice to have the option to get outside and walk around.

Fresh air may be the best hope we all have of staying sane.

Week Two

We have our routine down pretty well now. Wake up, eat, check-in, watch some TV, do live stream music with mom, go outside, lunch, quiet time, back outside, dinner, play, bed. Repeat. 

Work is definitely challenging these days. The kids are feeling cooped up. It’s hard not to chat with the neighbors, except from a distance. And the streets are so quiet. 

Every day we’re a little more anxious about everything: our health, our families, the economy, the Executive Branch’s dipshit handling of the whole situation. We feel phantom symptoms and worry. We’re trying to make the groceries we bought two weeks ago last a bit longer. 

I did start a new batch of cider. I took a photo field trip that I hope to share later. The weather is warming up, so I’m sitting on the front porch listening in on conference calls while the kids dig their bikes out of the garage.

Every little thing helps us not think about every big thing.


Everything’s weird. From the power continuing the flicker, to the quiet streets, to the strange sense of calm – inside the house, you wouldn’t know the world is working its way through a pandemic crisis.

I’m working from home most days. I one of the lucky ones whose work sits on a laptop, mostly. Though I did travel in today (a Friday) just to get some fresh air and get out of the house for a bit. The parking lot is nearly empty.

We hear about the air quality improving, and dolphins swimming in European canals. Can we keep some of the unintended consequences of this outbreak? 

At home, the kids don’t know any better. For them, it’s a longer spring break, and – strange for them – more time with dad at home. I did my best to set up a new routine that includes fresh air, some form of learning exercise (disguised as art projects), and some pick-up at the end of the day. 

We’re as prepared as we can be for the long haul. 

[All photos shot on my iPhone SE and edited in Filmborn.]

Stuck Inside

At Home: Gentle Light

Now that the whole world is under quarantine, what’s a photographer to do? Especially if you’re stuck at home? I think this is a great time to work on a few photography projects, and here are a few ideas to help keep your mind off the outside world.

Photograph Your Surroundings

This time of year, the light is changing dramatically. Photograph your home, your yard, your neighborhood, and pay special attention to how the light transforms. I’ve made this a hobby inside a hobby. It’s how I explore spaces and get to know a place. 

Photograph Your Family/Friends

Take advantage of being closer to the people in your life, now that most public events are canceled or on hold. Sit your significant other down next to a window and take their portrait. Photograph your kids, now home from school, at play. Invite friends over for drinks (nothing celebrates global chaos like booze) and make it a project. 

Tidy Up Your Camera Gear

Now’s a great time to dust off your old gear, wipe down your lenses, empty out your memory cards, and clean out your camera bag. I know my Canon 5D has a notoriously dirty sensor. My batteries probably need a good recharge. Grab your gear, turn on some music, and get to work.

Take Care of Your Photo Files

My Lightroom catalog has folders and folders full of unedited photos. My iPhone photos could use a backup. My whole photo collection could use an external hard drive backup. It’s a great time to take care of organizing your photos, updating your metadata, and caring for the digital side of your photography. 

Print Your Photos

Whether it’s individual prints or a book, now that you’ve organized your photo collection, you can put those beautiful pictures on paper for safe-keeping. Snapfish sends me an email every day talking about their photobook sales. Why not take an album full of your 2019 photos and make a photobook? You can even do it on your mobile device

Get Online

Edit your photography website. Pre-write a bunch of blog posts with idea starters. Update your social profiles. Do some digital housecleaning.

Try a New Thing

Always wanted to try out film photography? Or take a stab at still life? Now’s the time to try something new – or, more accurately, it’s always a great time to try something new. 

What are you doing to keep yourself busy? 

Stuck In the Middle

Donkey Donkey

What’s easy for me? It’s easy to brainstorm an idea – to come up with a creative project that I want to see out in the world.

It’s also easy to ship that idea once everything finished, to cross the finish line with the idea and have it live in the world

What am I not good at? The middle. The gut check, the finer details, or thinking through the unthought-of things. The implementation of that original idea. 

For example, in a photo project, coming up with my subject theme comes naturally. I want to photograph creative people in my community.

But what then? Where do I start? How do I find subjects? What do I do when things get difficult?

Once I have that figured out, it’s easy for me to take the outputs and put them together in a finished product. I get a deep thrill out of that final crunch to ship something on a self-imposed deadline.

In the middle, I know I need help and guidance on getting something started. Imagine pushing a car that’s standing still. It’s easy to figure out I need to move it, and once it’s in motion I know where I want to go. But getting past inertia? It’s tough for me.

What works in that middle is to find a person – a colleague, or a family member, or friend – who provides good, honest feedback and advice. I’m humble enough to know when I need help, and humble enough to ask for it when I’m having trouble getting going. 

Otherwise, I’d be stuck in the middle.