Breaking Habits

I’m not Catholic, but I do love the idea of giving stuff up for a limited time from now through Easter. I’m in the Ben Franklin school of self-experimentation, and I’ve been giving up things I love for years. Potatoes, coffee (ugh! that was a rough one), alcohol – limitations are good, and knowing you can survive without these things builds character. 

This video by HealthyGamerGG kick-started my flirtations with Lent deprivation this year. I was initially attracted to the title (“Why Finding Purpose Is SO HARD Today”), but after watching, Dr. Alok Kanojia’s points made a lot of sense about life in general.

I do tend to stuff my brain with external stimuli. I don’t let myself get bored anymore. And while I’ve taken up meditation again this year, it is a bummer to read social media all the time and not have time to just sit and think

So for Lent, I gave up Twitter. 

Twitter is a trashbin on fire these days, with all the behind-the-scenes ownership and business fumbles it’s made. I choose not to follow that stuff closely, but I have noticed that Twitter mostly brings me negative news. It’s a bummer to scroll through tweets every day.  Giving it up means not allowing that negativity into my brain. It also means more quiet time to do something else.

Like edit photos! Or take photos! Or anything else that actually brings me joy.

While this blog post will appear on Twitter, thanks to a WordPress plugin, I won’t see it or the reaction. Instead, I can devote more time to being bored, thinking about my purpose, and reducing my overall anxiety.

Old Stuff Revisited

Here’s a harsh truth: I’ve taken fewer photos each passing year since 2015.

It’s not for lack of trying or interest. No, it’s mostly because the rest of life got busier – three kids, a demanding job, a new house, chores, spending time with family, etc. 

(Another consequence of moving home and work is that I don’t have an interesting commute anymore. It’s mostly city and highway driving instead of the beautiful back country roads that used to fuel my hobby.)

That means, besides family vacations and a rare sunbeam coming into the home office, I have fewer and fewer photos to take, edit, and post for public consumption. And I miss doing that! I miss the process of capturing pictures and making them my own.

Lately, my solution has been to go back and rediscover some of my past work. I can look at it with fresh eyes, and tinker a bit. I have a good selection of photos that I’ve taken but never touched or shared in the years since.

Take my film portraits from the Musicians In Jackson project. I was initially so dissatisfied with how they turned out that I shelved them in favor of the digital versions. Now, looking back at them, they were actually pretty fun, and using a bit of Lightroom magic, I can make them look how I prefer.

There’s a ton of abandoned pictures and others that are stuck in a Lightroom folder somewhere. All I have to do is look for them, play with the sliders, and boom – something to share.

Now, that also means I’ll eventually run out. And I can’t fix the not-enough-time-for-picture-making problem – not easily. But this scratches the creative itch well enough to keep me busy for a while.

New Lens Tryout: Canon EOS M 32mm f/1.4

It’s been a while since I purchased a new lens. The truth is, I really have all I need, even though the Canon R system keeps tempting me.

For my mirrorless system, I’m sticking with my trusty Canon M. Forever, I’ve had the EOS M 22mm attached to that camera. I see in cropped 35mm on that camera.

So when Canon had a fire sale on refurbished 32mm f/1.4 prime lenses for Black Friday, I thought, “Now’s the time to get something new.” 

(My other plan is to upgrade the camera itself, since my faithful M is almost 10 years old now. But we’ll see what next year brings.)

The 32mm is a 51mm equivalent on the M system. My comfort zone is in that 35-50mm range, but the extra F stop adds the opportunity for some shallow depth of field on a near-portrait fixed lens. All these years, I’ve been limited to a 35mm view on the M. This new lens was my chance to put another option in a camera I use 75% of the time.

And what a lens. It took some time to get used to this new field of view, but after fiddling with the unique focus system, I got the hang of it. When we went Christmas tree shopping this weekend, I saw it as a perfect chance to take the lens for a spin on a chilly, sunny midwestern December day.

As with the other M lenses, the 32mm is tack sharp. It’s stunning what these little, lightweight lenses can do. It does stick out from the front of the camera more than the pancake-style 22mm does, so getting the grip and balance just right took some time. It was also weird not to look through a viewfinder and see that 50mm field of view – the M has a touchscreen and touch-focus system. 

These are minor getting-adjusted points. It’s a great lens, and I can see building a truly lightweight, mirrorless system out of this, the 22mm, and maybe a wide-angle M lens paired with a new M camera. 

Artist vs Content Creator

In Terrible Simplicity

“Sooner or later, you’re going to have to decide if you’re a content creator, or an artist.”
Gozer Goodspeed

Gozer’s tweet thread (via Jeffery Saddoris) is great to think about if you Make Things – either as a content creator or artist. 

I wonder all the time, watching my kids view YouTube video after YouTube video: is all this content artistic? Or is it entertainment? Is there anything wrong with either approach?

A few thoughts in reaction to Gozer’s thread:

  • Content creation is a conveyor belt – art is a walk in the woods.
  • Content creation seems more about business. Not that making art can’t be a business, but content creation, as Gozer puts it, involves “relentless output” to feed an algorithm hoping someone will discover your stuff.
  • Art is at your speed. Content creation is at the speed of an audience’s appetite. 
  • A lot of this speaks to artists as business owners (music in Gozer’s case) – but I bet a lot of hobbyists see “content creation” as their ticket to the big money. Actually making an income from your artistic hobby can be very, very difficult for most people.

I consider myself someone who makes and shares the things I make, at my own pace, for a very small audience. But I do it for me, not them, and I certainly don’t do it to feed a social media platform. 

And then there’s the language that gets thrown around in business and entertainment and just about everywhere: do you make “content?” Or do you make photographs? 



Autumn Around the Neighborhood

Our new neighborhood is filled with trees – trees of all kinds. This fall, we’re watching them turn magical. Even the oaks, normally a drab brown, are a brilliant orange around here.

Luckily, we had a few nice days this week after a dreary, wet, chilly week last week. So I went exploring to see what I could see. 

Fall Things

This weekend we did fall things.

In October, it’s like this all over the midwest: pumpkins, apples, cider, and donuts. Some of our local cider mills are now so busy that we have to go looking for quieter, more intimate places. We found that at Red Egg Farm, just outside of Jackson. It had all the traditional autumn stuff we wanted – cider slushies, hay rides, petting zoo – without the busy crowd of some other places.

We also visited Adams Farm to pick up actual apples (for cider) and pumpkins (for carving) to bring home. 

We did fall things, because it’s that time of year. 

Clearing the Backlog

Get The Broom

About two years ago, I fell out of using Instagram – something about the way it had become a photo-centric Facebook, and how it shows ads every third or fourth post, turned me off.

Thing is, I have an incredible backlog of iPhone photos waiting to be shared. There was something about that daily rhythm of posting to Instagram that kept things moving. 

So now, two years later, I have a ton of stuff to share, and I jumped back on Instagram to clear out those old photos and put them somewhere. Flickr is an obvious choice, too, but Flickr isn’t nearly as simple and (I hate to say it) mindless as scrolling through a series of photos from people you follow. 

Time to clear out that backlog. 

Door County, Wisconsin

Kicking off a series of photos from our summer vacation spot: Door County, Wisconsin.

Yes, we’d been there in 2018 and 2020. We love the area so much that we went back this year for our family holiday.

Different cabin (the big one), different month (August instead of June/July), and different crowd (we brought the in-laws), but other than that, it was as spectacular as it always is.

I take a memory card’s worth of photos wherever we go. Above is a series of windows I saw along the way. Here are some natural spots:

More to come next week.

If You Could Ask Yourself

Hale Again

A recent Roderick on the Line episode brought up a fun thought experiment:

If you went back and updated your 16-year-old self on where you are today, would your teenage self consider you a “success?”

To me, “success” is a multi-faceted metric. Success in your career? Or success in your goals? How about where you are, and who you’re with? Would your younger self even know what you’re talking about in terms of a job or hobbies (try explaining blogging in 1997)? 

Overall, I think my teenage self would consider my adult self successful, based on a few measurements:

Career: I’ve always wanted to do something with writing. I left for college knowing I wanted to be a journalist. While that didn’t pan out, I did have a short career in journalism and used my writing skills to make stories in the corporate world. I also had a life goal to do something at the University of Michigan – either a degree or a career – and I accomplished that in my last job at the museum of art.

Hobbies: My younger self was involved in playing card games and video games, taking photos during social activities, and traveling. And what do you know, my adult self enjoys doing all of those things as well, to varying degrees. Photography, for instance, is now a core part of who I am. Traveling is something my family and I do constantly, and always will. I still read The Lord of the Rings trilogy every few years. I probably watch a little less professional wrestling than I did at 16, but some of my heroes have stuck with me. 

Life in General: I’m happily married with three great kids, living in my sometimes-hometown, and comfortably middle class and socially active. I spend time with my family, I enjoy going out to eat, and I see my friends – not like I did at 16, but often enough. I’m not rich, but I never expected to be (I just knew I didn’t want to be poor again).

I score a 10/10 on almost all three of those metrics. Where would my teenage self be disappointed? Maybe in something like, I’m not a novel writer like I maybe thought I’d be. Or, I never moved far from my roots. 

On the other hand, I didn’t have big goals or ambitions as a young person. I was happy to check the boxes, get my education, get a decent job, and hang out with my friends. If I’ve seen any success over the years, it has not been according to a Grand Plan. Up to now, I’ve been successful only because of luck – and maybe a bit of personal growth, continuing education, and building relationships.

Success is what you make it. My 16-year-old self would be satisfied with all of those things because that’s who I am, and who I’ve always been. 

(Above: another photo from Hale, Michigan, shot on my iPhone 13 mini and edited in Darkroom)


It’s been a year of new homes, with our family’s, and my dad purchasing a cabin in Hale, Michigan – in the northeast, close to Lake Huron.

We took Independence Day weekend and traveled there for the first time. It was our chance to get out of town, spend some summer days outside, and see a new place. 

We found everything we were looking for in the pastoral scenery, the cool and clear lakes, and the natural beauty you find in northern Michigan. 

I almost brought a film camera to fit the setting. After all, every 50 miles you go north you travel back in time 10 years. But that will have to wait. I didn’t want to fuss with film and settings and remembering how to use my Canon AE-1. I wanted to keep it simple.

Simple is good. That’s why we’re here. 

Welcome Home

The last two months have been a whirlwind. We purchased a new house in April, officially closed on it in May, and have spent the two-ish months since then packing, moving, and unpacking again.

I have been taking photos the entire time, but it’s only been now that I’ve been able to assess what I made and edit some to share. As always: a new place, new light to capture.

It helps that the weather is turning nice. Even though it’s been cooler and rainy, it’s nice to enjoy the new yard and sit outside for the lovely spring days. We take walks around the new neighborhood, exploring the winding streets and meeting new people. 

Moving is very stressful. I hope this is the last time. While we’re here, I’ll keep capturing what I see. 

Guilty Photography

There’s an interesting phenomenon, as I rediscover some of my photography art books while unpacking in the new house:

I pick up and read a photo book. Maybe it’s one I haven’t read for a while, like my old pal Saul Leiter. And then this guilty feeling kicks in for not having made something in a few weeks. 

Then, almost without fail, that guilt makes me pick up a camera and start snapping away. It doesn’t even matter what the subject is, just that I start making photos.

Call it “guilty photography” – it works! 

The next time you’re in a creative rut, or feeling unmotivated to make photos, give guilty photography a try.