Figure Out
To figure out what kind of photographer you want to become, figure out what kind of photographer you don’t want to be like.
To figure out what kind of photographer you want to become, figure out what kind of photographer you don’t want to be like.
Had lots of fun exploring Tollander Christmas Tree Farm up near Port Huron, Michigan, for my good friends Chris and Rebecca’s wedding.
It’s going to be a great wedding in a classy rural setting. The location will be fun for photos.
And hey, we even found a turtle crossing one of the farm lanes. That’s good luck, right?
Wayne is working on getting more wedding and event business at the farm. It’s a great location (and very affordable) – give them a ring.
Showing Signs of Life – Horton, Michigan
I do love summers in Michigan, but man – the other seasons offer so much more, visually. In fall, you have the colors. Winter has frost and ice. Spring has the whole Earth waking up (like here).
Summer? It’s all green.
Between Itself and Us – Concord, Michigan
Cool busted bridge down on the Kalamazoo River, between Albion and Concord.
Brian Vander Ark is one of my musical heroes. He’s a local guy (from Grand Rapids, Michigan) who has worked awfully hard to get where he’s at.
It starts with The Verve Pipe, of course. Everyone’s heard The Big Hit, but the whole Verve Pipe catalog is great. I catch them (almost) every year in Ferndale, Michigan, for their holiday concert.
Brian takes his solo show on the road, and a few weeks back he came to Albion to perform at the restored Bohm Theatre.
Channing and Quinn joined him on stage for a few trio songs, too, and the whole show was really great. Brian snuck a few Verve Pipe songs into the set, and lot of his solo songs and covers.
He put on a great show for the audience that turned out on a spring Sunday evening, and it was great to shake hands with him before the show and introduce myself.
Loved my signed edition of Portraits by Eduardo Torres. Eduardo has a great personal touch. The book included some extra prints, posters, and a nice note from the artist.
I’m a big fan of Eduardo’s work, and glad I grabbed his book. There may be a copy or two left, if you’re lucky.
Humanity doesn’t need more sharpness. That is not one of the things for which we hunger. We hunger for beauty, and meaning, for stories, and for love.
VSCO has been on a tear lately, it seems, with new film packs coming out every few months, and tons of updates on their mobile app ecosystem.
Now we have film pack 07, “Eclectic Films.”
I took the new pack for a spin using some photos from last Friday’s trip to the Liberty Mill Pond, with my photo pal John Neff (here with his Sony A7), where Michigan’s Grand River begins – about two miles from my house.
This is a fun pack because the film emulations are so subtle. Looking through the photos, you won’t spot huge differences in the look and feel – but when you’re actually using them, it’s refreshing to see the small differences in contrast, saturation, and mood.
I particularly like the Kodak stuff, like Ektachrome and Ektar 25. The Ektar 25 takes the saturation down a notch from Film 05′s version of Ektar (my current go-to emulation). The Agfa stuff is nice, too, because of how gentle it is.
You can try VSCO Film 00 for free (a great idea), and then pony up for a full pack. This Film 07 pack will be fun to play with.
Film 07 emulations are in the captions of each photo.