original photographers

Around the Albion Neighborhood

Summer. Walks around the town. Noon sun staring down at all of us.

And gnomes watching our every move.

For the past few summers, I’ve made it a point to take long walks around Albion’s neighborhoods. The challenge is to find the photo-worthy in everyday life: yards, signs, porches, etc.

It just goes to show that no matter how “boring” you think your area is, there’s always something to find.

Pools Of Light

Summer nights around the house – when the angle of sunlight turns the mundane into dramatic.

It’s enough to get lost in. Evenings like this, there’s entertainment in simply watching the light move, and shape, and shift.

Like some mythic, benevolent dictator, the sun shows its preferences in direct ways. A set of headphones here, the neighbors yard over there. You can’t question it. You just record it.

And hope the light shines on you.

Where you could sit on the edge of your bed
And you could stare into your own shoes
And in the pools of light there
Go wherever you choose

The Tragically Hip, “Vapour Trails