original photographers

Hell’s Kitchen

It’s one thing to risk heading into an abandoned house. You could step on a rusty nail, or get attacked by a mongrel dog.

It’s another thing to walk into a kitchen and find the floor missing.

One whole half of the house, in fact, was either caving in or on its way into the basement. With big holes in the roof, there’s nothing to stop Michigan’s chaotic weather from seeping in. It takes time, but eventually nature does its thing.

The only thing keeping the kitchen intact was the underlying structure – load-bearing walls as saviors.

Devastating. And a rich environment for photo making.

US-12 Yard Sale

Imagine it: 180 miles of LPs, kids clothes, and missing-piece puzzles.

That’s the US-12 Yard Sale – a giant bargain bin stretching across southern Michigan.

We typically check out the local section, stretching from Clinton and Saline in the East to Allen (Antique Capital!) in the West. The tough part isn’t the driving – it’s the figuring out which yard/garage sale is worth stopping at.

This past year, I had no complaints: I picked up a Canonet in fantastic condition for $5 in Jonesville. Everything beyond that was gravy.