Lockview Motel
Sault St. Marie, Mich.
Concord, Mich.
One of my favorite sites in the morning is this red barn. The way the sunrise hits it, and the shadows, the deep red – it’s lovely.
Sure, there’s a bit of bravery needed to pull the car over and climb into an abandoned and nearly-collapsed shack on the edge of an overgrown tree farm.
And then you see the creep-tastic shrine someone made out of a skull and carcass bones.
But there’s also adventure, and the gnawing desire to see what’s inside the thing.
So it was that I climbed into this ramshackle little building, probably no more than 15 ft. by 30 ft., after passing if for many years along M-60 just east of Spring Arbor, Mich.
Selections from Cruise Night in downtown Jackson, Mich.
This was one of the first times I took the Canon EOS M for a spin (ha!), shooting these fantastic classic cars. I came back that night and was super impressed. The level of detail and richness of the images was appealing.
But it was also a chance to explore things like chrome flourishes, and car colors you don’t see anymore.
It’s county fair week here in Jackson.
Get your corn dog, head down to the midway, shop the cattle and livestock, and check your gut at the Tilt-a-Whirl.
Hot air jubilees, including the annual one in my hometown, are great for photography material. The colors, the shapes, the ambition.
But it’s hard not to fall into cliché. If you’ve seen one soaring balloon, you’ve probably seen them all. And unless you have an in-basket view, there’s only so much you can do from the ground.
It’s why I like focusing on the people behind the event – who puts these things together? What are their jobs? Is there any struggle?
Or, what if you took the colors away? And just focused on the shapes? Hence, this shot from just before sunset.
Abandoned House – Albion, Michigan
Thanks to fellow photographer Matt Lockwood for the heads-up on this place. I’ve photographed the exterior before, but never the interior.
Hot Air Jubilee – Jackson, Michigan
Many thanks to my friend Janelle for hooking me up with a press pass.
Hurray for good weather for this weekend’s Hot Air Jubilee in Jackson, Mich.
And sure the balloons are cool, but the people are pretty fun, too.
Had a blast making family portraits for my good friends, Nate and Kelli, and their kiddos Sophie and Evan.
A lovely night in the park, a giant lollypop as an incentive, and fun family get-together.