Here they are: the 15 featured creatives in my Artists In Jackson portrait project.
They are 15 people that are making my hometown of Jackson, Michigan, a more beautiful place to live. And so generous with their time and attention – I can’t thank them enough for participating in this project.
Great light in a studio space in downtown Jackson. I was there for a portrait project, but the way the light was coming in the windows was too great not to grab.
I’ll tell anyone who will listen: I’m a fan of the coney island hot dog.
You have chili dogs, and kraut, and brats, and Chicago style, and whatever NY happens to be bragging about, and all the rest – and I love those, too. But to me, the coney island is the hot dog style.
When I worked in downtown Jackson, Michigan, I had two coney islands across the street from my office. Every Friday, I’d hit up the Virginia Coney Island and, every week, order “the usual”: two coneys, fries, and a diet Coke.
I miss that. So I try to grab a coney for lunch wherever and whenever I can – even a Detroit-style coney, like the ones above from Lafayette Coney Island across from Campus Martius in downtown Detroit.