
Cruise Night

Selections from Cruise Night in downtown Jackson, Mich.

This was one of the first times I took the Canon EOS M for a spin (ha!), shooting these fantastic classic cars. I came back that night and was super impressed. The level of detail and richness of the images was appealing.

But it was also a chance to explore things like chrome flourishes, and car colors you don’t see anymore.

People Behind the Event

Hot Air Jubilee - Jackson, MI

Hot air jubilees, including the annual one in my hometown, are great for photography material. The colors, the shapes, the ambition.

But it’s hard not to fall into cliché. If you’ve seen one soaring balloon, you’ve probably seen them all. And unless you have an in-basket view, there’s only so much you can do from the ground.

It’s why I like focusing on the people behind the event – who puts these things together? What are their jobs? Is there any struggle?

Or, what if you took the colors away? And just focused on the shapes? Hence, this shot from just before sunset.

8/24/13 – Action Super Heroes

8/24/13 - Action Super Heroes

Saturday was the last big sale day for my favorite local comic shop. Leonard, the owner, is retiring as of Labor Day.

The good news, however, is that he may have found a buyer for the place. They have to get things worked out with the bank, but otherwise it’s a go.

That’s my friend Jon Hart in the background, there, digging through the alternative titles. I’m mainly a Spidey and X-Men guy, myself.

Nostalgia, Ink: Going Out of Business

Nostaligia, Ink: Going Out of Business

I remember first walking into Nostalgia, Ink. at 10 years old and feeling like I was discovering a whole new world.

Up to then, collecting comics was a catch-as-catch-can operation. I’d find a few titles at book stores, or at the pharmacy, and once in a while I’d see a classified ad of someone selling their collection.

But a whole store? Devoted to comics? Heaven.

Nostaligia, Ink: Going Out of Business

From that time on, I’ve had an on-again, off-again comic habit. In the early days, I’d bike down West Washington Ave. in Jackson by myself once a month to get the latest issues. As an adult, I’d drive to the shop on Wednesdays to get the newest editions.

Then the editors of Amazing Spider-Man would piss me off with their latest bad idea, and I’d quit buying for a year or two. A habit’s a habit, however, and I’d always make my way back.

Nostaligia, Ink: Going Out of Business

So a month ago I get my usual Superior Spider-Man and Uncanny X-Men issues, and I notice a flyer on the counter: Leonard’s going out of business. He’s retiring.

I nearly cried.

I’ve been coming here since I was a kid. Through the comic bubble of the early ‘90s, through a Magic: The Gathering card collection, and now into adulthood.

Nostalgia, Ink: Going Out of Business

Not for long.

Until Labor Day, everything’s on sale at increasingly-discounted rates. Back issues, books, everything.

Leonard says it’s time to retire. He’s been looking for a buyer, for a way out after almost 30 years. No one (as of yet) has come forward to take the business over. But there are a few things in the works.

For now, he wants to unload everything. Clear out the inventory.

Nostaligia, Ink: Going Out of Business

And what an inventory. Miles and miles of long boxes. Bagged and boarded. Organized, roughly.

Not just comics, either. If you were into D&D, or Magic, or – hell – old issues of Playboy, Nostalgia was your place. Toys, shirts, posters, cards. Everything.

Hunting for the thing you wanted was half the fun. If Leonard didn’t have it, he could order it.

Nostaligia, Ink: Going Out of Business

Lots of good memories in this place. Maybe someone will swoop in and help spirit Leonard away to retirement properly. Until then, we’ll help him clear out that inventory.

Nostaligia, Ink: Going Out of Business

All the best, Leonard.

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View the full set on Flickr.

Read MLive’s coverage of the store’s closing.

(All color images edited with VSCO Film. Photos created with a rented Fuji X100. Many thanks to Leonard for allowing me all-access to the store.)