
Michigan Rocks

Took the kids to the Michigan Gem and Mineral Society‘s rock show at the event center this weekend.

One of my favorite photography topics in people showing off their niche. In this case, the stone people were all around us.

I’m more into geology—the study of the Earth’s crust and history. My family? They’re rock nerds.

Shot on the Canon M6 and Viltrox 23mm f/1.4.

False Spring

False Spring

This early in March? We Michiganders know better.

Shot on the Canon EOS M and EF-M 22mm f/2.

No Pressure

Do you want to know the benefits of being a hobbyist photographer?

No pressure.

No client to please. No money to make. No expectations. No deadlines.

If I’m working on a big portrait project, the only deadlines or expectations are the ones I put on myself. And I do, but no one else knows that. It’s just me.

I can go out on a foggy winter morning, after dropping off the kids at school but before heading to work, and explore. Just me and my own desire to make something, see something, photograph something.

There’s no pressure. And it means everything.

Talking Musicians In Jackson on JTV

I’m kissing Squarespace goodbye and moving my two portrait projects to my blog. Instead of sending web traffic somewhere else, Artists In Jackson and Musicians In Jackson—as they’re updated—will live here, where visitors can learn more about my other projects. 

As I was putting together the project landing pages, I remembered JTV’s Bart Hawley Show featured Musicians In Jackson late in 2019, but I never shared that conversation on this blog.

So here it is. And many thanks to Bart for having me on to talk about my musicians and artists portrait projects.



Hello, February

Fog then rain then snow then sunshine.

Welcome to February. 

The Coldest Day

It’s cold out there.

Parts of the U.S. are facing an arctic blast – one of those goofy named weather phenomena. In the past few winters, we haven’t had much winter action in Michigan. So on this occasion, I laced up my snow boots and walked around the neighborhood to see what five degrees felt like.

The bright sun and crisp air were nice for a brief minute. But then the wind would pick up and I felt like my face was stinging. 

Not much moves on mornings like this.

Shot on the Canon 5D classic and EF 40mm f/2.8.

Disgust For All

Disgust For All

Not much to say on this, the day after the U.S. election, but a few thoughts I had this morning waking up to the news:

  • Info bubbles are bad—it’s so important to step outside of what you normally read about or hear and listen to other echo chambers.
  • “Vibes” alone aren’t enough to sway people who have legitimate concerns about the country’s direction.
  • Who shows up matters and ultimately determines the outcome. If you don’t have the votes, you don’t win – simple, but hard to execute.
  • America is a tough place to understand sometimes, and it’s getting tougher.

I’m sad and nervous. I’m also dumping my usual sources for information (Twitter – deleted my account, and Reddit for general browsing) and am committed to casting a weary, skeptical eye on news media reports that seem confident.

In the meantime, we all have feelings to process and art to make. Let’s get back to work.

Through the Ghastly Blank

Foggy fall mornings in Jackson, Michigan.

Shot on the Canon M200 and EF-M 15-45mm lens.

Around the Block

Quiet fall evenings are a chance to get outside, get some fresh air, and end the day on a high note.

Shot on Canon M6 and EF-M 32mm f/1.4.

Friday Night Lights

Small town Friday night? That means football this time of year.

With Aiden in marching band, that means we head to Jackson High for a beautiful September evening and watch our hometown Vikings win against Tecumseh. 

Shot on the Canon 5D and EF 50mm f/1.4.

Marching Band

It’s a false summer night – part of a week full of those final warm days before autumn sets in.

Autumn means marching band season, so Aiden and I headed to Jackson High’s football field for his first practice session. It gave me a chance to catch some of the light and colors around the stadium. 

Shot on the Canon M200 with the EF-M 15-45mm kit lens.


Light Just Right

A note about waiting for good light.

The above is the same house taken at the same time of year, within a day or two of each other, just at different times during the morning.

I drive by this little house a few times a week. For months, I’ve thought to myself: “That would make for a good photograph.” Finally, one morning, I had time enough to pull over and take the shot. The first attempt is the one on the left.

The light is okay. There’s a touch on the front porch and a bit on the left near the chair—that golden morning light hitting halfway between the front door and the stairs.

But something felt off when I got back and imported the picture into Lightroom. The house itself is too much in the shade, while the lawn and the trees on the right have a neutral, even light. The fluffy clouds in the upper left are a nice touch though.

So I gave it another try, this time earlier in the morning when the sun was hitting the entire house on the side, coming from the East on the left. Angled shadows hit the lawn and the front of the house, and the sunshine lit up that (cursed) Ohio flag. The porch is a bit more in shade, but there’s still a touch of light hitting the chair.

The temperature of the light, too, is different in the second shot: it is more golden and a bit harsher, painting the scene with a more dramatic brush. I do miss those fluffy clouds from the first image, though.

Both are fine. I’m glad I took another stab at it. The light was worth waiting for.

Here’s the final photo:

Both images shot with the Canon M6 and EF-M 28mm f/3.5 macro.

Jackson County Fair

Even though I feel like it’s the same-ol’, same-ol’ each year, our local county fair never disappoints.

Shot on a mixture of EF-M 22mm and 32mm, with the Canon M200.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


We’ve always been a musical family, but we officially became a musical theatre family this fall.

The women in our group all joined the cast of Center Stage Jackson‘s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – my daughter Madelyn taking a lead role as Jemima, Riley as one of the ensemble kids, and Jaime as the wicked baroness. 

That meant lots of light nights, back and forth trips to rehearsal, and tired kiddos who aren’t used to staying up late for practice. But the last two weekends, it all came together.

The show’s director, Lisa, is a close family friend, and she let me hang out back stage for some behind the scenes photography. 

Supporting the local arts in our communities means showing up, and lending talents where needed. 

Summer at Sandhill

Lately, I’ve had the itch to get out and shoot more. Sometimes, hobbies can come and go in waves – often depending on what else is going on in life. Right now feels like a crest, where I want go make more photos.

Saturday evening at Sandhill Crane Vineyards was a good chance to shoot. It was a lovely summer evening, with off and on clouds, and the sun was popping in and out of the clouds. As soon as it popped out during sunset, I took a walk around their mini festival to see what I could see.

And something different: I strapped a EF 28mm f/1.8 to my Canon EOS M, using the EF-to-M adapter, for a ~42mm field of view. 40mm tends to be my comfort zone. Even though the camera felt a little front-heavy, the FOV was perfect. 

So was the light, and the setting, and the music and drinks all around. 

Life In a Northern Town

We had a record ice storm hit Michigan last week. It swept across the U.S., but on Wednesday night, it struck the Great Lakes with particular fury.

That night, we listened anxiously while tree branches cracked and fell, breaking power lines all around us. We had an oak tree snap in half and block our street because of the weight of the ice. I braved falling branches the next morning to go around the yard and document everything sheathed in a clear coat. By the afternoon, all the ice had melted. The storm swept in and swept out quickly.

For two nights, we huddled in the basement as a family, wrapped in blankets while the temperature inside the house dipped to 47° F. We only got the power back on Saturday, and what a relief. But driving around town and seeing all the wreckage, we were lucky.

That’s life in a northern town.


Fall Things

This weekend we did fall things.

In October, it’s like this all over the midwest: pumpkins, apples, cider, and donuts. Some of our local cider mills are now so busy that we have to go looking for quieter, more intimate places. We found that at Red Egg Farm, just outside of Jackson. It had all the traditional autumn stuff we wanted – cider slushies, hay rides, petting zoo – without the busy crowd of some other places.

We also visited Adams Farm to pick up actual apples (for cider) and pumpkins (for carving) to bring home. 

We did fall things, because it’s that time of year.