
Matt + Jen

This Labor Day was the second anniversary of the best photography gig I’ve ever had: my high school friends’ Matt and Jen’s wedding.

Bohemian, lakeside, and a beautiful couple with their amazing friends. It was a magical evening. No pressure, no “must-haves” – Jen told me to “do you what you do” and capture the intimate moments from the event. That’s my favorite way to work, and I think it shows.

I’ve since retired from shooting weddings, and this wasn’t the last one I did, but it’s by far my favorite.

The engagement photo shoot was pretty spectacular, too. Tons of fun, and Jen’s ideas for the shoot made it all special. That, and the perfect summer light.

Snapshots of Snapshot

A study in Snapshot, my new favorite beer from New Belgium.

Sure, the beer is great – a sour wheat beer that tickles my taste buds in all the right ways. But also, just look at that label. How can a photographer not enjoy the Instamatic and bright orange tones?

The top shot is from a 28mm lens – my favorite of the bunch. Next is a shot with an 85mm, and the final photo is with the 22mm EF-M. Not much difference in the 28mm and 22mm focal lengths, but look at that 85mm shot. The background just melts away. And the perspective totally flattens out.

But it doesn’t flatten out the taste (see what I did there?).

Beer + photography. Doesn’t get much better than that.

Manitoulin Island

Manitoulin Island, Ontario

The little town where the Chi-Cheemaun ferry departs is off the south coast of Manitoulin Island. It’s a lovely little lake-side community.

The clouds were starting to part as we were leaving. It made for a chilly walk, with the wind coming off Lake Huron, but the limestone shore was fun to explore.

There was a group of kids taking a boat from the right-hand (western) shore out to the little island on the upper left. Imagine that: just loading into the fishing boat and sailing around your backyard.

Yuengling Traditional Lager


I had a co-worker that was Pennsylvania, and she told me about this goofy-sounding beer from her home state that I just had to try. On her next visit home, she told me, she’s bring me a six pack.

And so was born my obsession with Yuengling.

I hear-tell it’s coming to Michigan (but I’ve been hearing that for years now). Previously, it was only available on the east coast. Then it moved to Ohio. And now maybe, someday, possibly my home state.

It’s good. Not great, but a good all-around beer. Part of me feels like the fact that you can’t get it in Michigan makes it taste better – like that lost love you could never get (except on trips to Toledo).