Came Here to Take Me Away
Came Here to Take Me Away – Albion, Michigan
I haven’t done this in a while: tromp around outside on a snowy morning (in April!) and take some sunrise photos.
It’s one of the benefits of the new job. I now have some time to stop and make pictures, and this week I realized how much I missed that.
As soon as I saw the sun rising in the backyard, and the light catching the snow crystals, I knew I had to grab the macro lens and get out there.
Maybe it’s a good practice to schedule these types of things. Or maybe it’s good enough to have some time in your schedule to let serendipity happen. Maybe, as Forest Gump says, it’s a bit of both.
There’s so much ugliness on display in the world lately.
Our oceans are dying. Our neighbors and protectors are dying. Political compromise is dying. Common sense seems to be dying.
It’s enough to make you think about building that bunker out in the backyard and waiting the whole thing out.
Artists, musicians, religious leaders, and poets will help us try to make sense of it all, over time. In the meantime, there are photographers on the front lines of these terrible events, witnessing first-hand the terrible things that humans do to each other.
As they’re doing that, try to get out and capture something beautiful, while there’s still time. While it’s still there.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
My new “commute” in the morning: walking past the student union and on to the Museum of Art.
Which Way Sunlight – Concord, Michigan
Sunrises this time of year are pretty special.