Sure, it’s cold. But at least the sun is shining.
The first thing you notice is the cats. There are some many, and all feral, but not so nervous that they scatter on approach.
No, these cats have seen things. Done things they’re not proud of.
I heard a story about this place. A friend from work misplaced his iPhone, and Find My iPhone placed in here – dead-center in the middle of this abandoned plant.
“Don’t go in there,” a police officer advised him. “Not even we go in there.”
The silly, destructive side of me wants to slip through the fence to get a look. But there’s just enough caution in me to steer clear.
So I walk around a bit, and grab some shots. The caved-in wall. The brick work.
The cats.
Excited to announce that I’ll be selling a selection of my photographs over at Society6.
Affordable options, nice framing styles, and a community of artists selling their art. Plus, this weekend they’re featuring free shipping on just about everything. So a good time to save a few bucks.
I had someone (very generously) say that I should be selling some of my stuff. So I started with a few of the popular travel pieces, and my Cloud Atlas series from this summer.
Go shopping. I appreciate the support.