original photographers

Film Photography Collection

Film Photography Collection

It seems I’ve become the “Dave Will Take Your Old Film Camera” guy.

To be fair, I did pick up the Canonet at a yard sale. The film, too (all of it expired), was a flea market grab.

I’s been a fun way to stretch the photography hobby into new areas. Yes, it’s expensive, and yes, there’s a learning curve. But what else do you do with a hobby but spend money and pick up new skills?

Missing from this photo: a Yashica Mat 124 TLR camera a friend from high school gave me. My first foray into medium format.

Stay tuned.

In Praise Of The Coney Island

In Praise of the Coney Island

I’ll tell anyone who will listen: I’m a fan of the coney island hot dog.

You have chili dogs, and kraut, and brats, and Chicago style, and whatever NY happens to be bragging about, and all the rest – and I love those, too. But to me, the coney island is the hot dog style.

When I worked in downtown Jackson, Michigan, I had two coney islands across the street from my office. Every Friday, I’d hit up the Virginia Coney Island and, every week, order “the usual”: two coneys, fries, and a diet Coke.

I miss that. So I try to grab a coney for lunch wherever and whenever I can – even a Detroit-style coney, like the ones above from Lafayette Coney Island across from Campus Martius in downtown Detroit.