

Sure, there’s a bit of bravery needed to pull the car over and climb into an abandoned and nearly-collapsed shack on the edge of an overgrown tree farm.

And then you see the creep-tastic shrine someone made out of a skull and carcass bones.

But there’s also adventure, and the gnawing desire to see what’s inside the thing.

So it was that I climbed into this ramshackle little building, probably no more than 15 ft. by 30 ft., after passing if for many years along M-60 just east of Spring Arbor, Mich.

Cruise Night

Selections from Cruise Night in downtown Jackson, Mich.

This was one of the first times I took the Canon EOS M for a spin (ha!), shooting these fantastic classic cars. I came back that night and was super impressed. The level of detail and richness of the images was appealing.

But it was also a chance to explore things like chrome flourishes, and car colors you don’t see anymore.