Save Your Money
Do you think it’s an upgrade from 5D Mark II to 6D for pictures?
Save your money, go buy a plane ticket…
Do you think it’s an upgrade from 5D Mark II to 6D for pictures?
Save your money, go buy a plane ticket…
I may be old-fashioned, but I believe there is such a thing as a search for beauty – a delight in the nice things in the world. And I don’t think one should have to apologize for it.
Saul Leiter (via bijan)
…and really all you need to make photos. “A search for beauty.”
Just for fun, here’s a behind-the-scenes portrait editing session in Lightroom I put together using a photo from my Artists In Jackson project, featuring painter Colleen Peterson.
This is a simplified editing process, but I don’t spend a ton of time on each photo. I have my process down pretty well.
Contrast, exposure, sharpening, and VSCO. Just that simple.
Hey you.
Yes, you with the camera. C’mere.
I’m doing a series of interviews with photographers whose work I enjoy. If I follow you, or you follow me, send me a note and let’s make something together.
Must be willing to share your photos, answer some questions, and have the desire to promote yourself.