
Christmas Cookies

Every year for Christmas my wife makes these great molasses cookies – a ton of them, with homemade frosting.

We take a day and decorate them in our favorite themes and characters, and then we share with friends and family over the holidays. It’s a great little family tradition.

I’ve missed working on video stuff so much since leaving Albion that I grabbed my Canon 6D, a 50mm lens, and took some video and photos. It was fun to edit footage and make a little film again. The process is one of those flow state situations, and I do miss it.

In photography, think about photo projects or series as opposed to single images. So many of us simply capture little snippets of video of family, friends, and outings. With all the (free!) tools at our disposal, it’d be fun to see more people put in the effort to making video stories, not just clips.

Home Sick

Sick Day

Sick day at home with the kids. The boy got pink eye two days ago, and the baby woke up with it this morning.

Lots of hand-washing these past few days.

It’s not all bad. We watched the snow fall – only the second snowy day here in Michigan so far, which is weird this late into the year. The kids are still in pajamas, the Christmas music is going, and we’re all quiet and restful.

Working from home while a baby toddles around the house is a challenge, especially with icky hands. But I wouldn’t trade days at home with the kids for anything.

Better In the In-Between

Better In the In-Between

Big transitions in my life the past year or so: the birth of my daughter, a new job, getting ready to sell our house and move into the city.

So it is with the seasons as well. The temperatures here in Michigan are dropping steadily, the leaves are changing, pumpkins are popping up at roadside stands. Autumn is in the air.

Much like last year, I’m trying to stay on top of all the transitions and stay involved with creative projects. It’s tough. And I’m not working on anything specific now, but I have some ideas and plans brewing.

Here’s to the in-between.

House Shopping

House Shopping

My wife and I are house shopping. It’s been a big project, getting our house ready for sale while simultaneously looking at other homes.

One thing I love about our current house is the light. Lots of windows, east/west facing, plenty of natural light – it’s spoiled me over the years.

Now, as we house hunt, light is a big decider for me. Does the space feel open? Are there a decent number of windows? Which way does the sunlight come in? How will that change over the day, or the seasons?

The place above caught my eye right away. When we walked in, the light coming into the dining room made me take notice. That’s light I could get used to.

Around The House 2

Last year I shared some photos from around the house, where the light comes through the windows in lovely ways.

This year, I took an earlier look at the winter light that comes in. As the season changes, so does the light, and it’s fun to chase it around the house when the sun comes out.

On weekend afternoons like this, the house is pretty quiet. When the sun is out, it almost teases you to start thinking about spring. All these windows. It’s a great tableau.

Pools Of Light

Summer nights around the house – when the angle of sunlight turns the mundane into dramatic.

It’s enough to get lost in. Evenings like this, there’s entertainment in simply watching the light move, and shape, and shift.

Like some mythic, benevolent dictator, the sun shows its preferences in direct ways. A set of headphones here, the neighbors yard over there. You can’t question it. You just record it.

And hope the light shines on you.

Where you could sit on the edge of your bed
And you could stare into your own shoes
And in the pools of light there
Go wherever you choose

The Tragically Hip, “Vapour Trails

Around the House

I’m lucky. My house has a lot of windows, giving it an airy feel most of the day. But when the sun sets, the house becomes a pretty magical place.

It’s not like the harsh morning light coming in the front of the house, facing East. No, this evening light gets filtered through the oak and pine trees in the back yard. It’s softer, more welcoming. Our hearts turn West.

I love that feeling when all the lights are off in the house, and it’s just the sunset light coming into the house. It makes for a beautiful way to do the dishes, looking into the backyard and watching the birds and squirrels do their thing.

It makes the backyard a lovely place to be, too, come sunset, every season of the year.

The weather won’t let that happen just yet. But the sun is back, and it’s thinking about us. You can tell. It’s creeping back into life apologetically.

I’ll be sure keep the windows open.