canon r

Resorting to Arizona

My recent trip to Arizona included a stay in a sprawling resort just outside of Phoenix. Throughout the work conference, we never had to leave the place: golf, dinner, swimming, hiking. It was all there.

The sun was also always there, with light bouncing off the faux adobe façades. That, combined with the bright colors, made for a photography feast. 

Winter makes the sun a little lower in the sky, meaning there wasn’t a bad time to walk around and make pictures. 

And that’s fitting for my way of doing things: I use photography as a way to explore a new place. Walk around, look for good light, capture what I see – that’s 90% of photography for me.

Luckily, I had lots to see and photograph here in Arizona.

Shot on the Canon R.

Let the Sun Shine

Last year, we took a family trip to California that rebooted my whole year

I’m still feeling the effects of that winter trip filled with gorgeous West Coast sunshine. A week full of vitamin D does a body, and a spirit, good.

That’s why I looked so forward to a recent work trip to Phoenix, Arizona. The forecast? Sunny and mid 70s. Perfect for this winter-worn Michigander.

We had a few chances to stroll through the Sonoran Desert surrounding our conference resort, through the Phoenix Mountains Preserve near North Moutain Park. One morning we traveled with a hiking company, through a tunnel under the road, and wandered around a valley to watch the sun come up. 

On the other side, we watched the sun set over a nice BBQ dinner. In both cases, the desert light never left. 

Praise the sun.

Shot on the Canon R and either the RF 50mm f/1.8 or 24-105mm f/4.

Philly in 50mm: Museum District

More 50mm shots from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this time near the art museum (made famous in Rocky). 

The hike from downtown to the museum district is a pleasant one, lined with sycamore trees and art installations along the way. At the start, you have the Barnes Foundation, and then halfway down the path you have the Rodin Museum – a space that looks like an ancient Roman edifice left behind by millennia and plunked down into a sprawling, modern American city. 

Then you get to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, with its Rocky statue and iconic stairway, and you can tell this is where people gather. Especially dudes who just jogged all the way here to run up those steps. 

I haven’t been to Philly in years, not since my big Revoluationary War tour of New England in 2008, and it was great to see some places I didn’t catch on the original trip.

Shot on the Canon R with the RF 50mm f/1.8 lens.

A Walk Outside With the Canon R

I had a chance to walk around with a new Canon R – one of the mirrorless, full-frame cameras set to take over from the SLR series – on a mid-March evening with the family.

There are little pockets of snow still hanging around, but you can feel spring in the air: the birds are chirping, the crocuses are poking out of the damp ground, and it’s no longer freezing cold outside. This happens every year, when we take our first tentative steps outside and stroll around the neighborhood. 

The camera is slick. It’s so light, it reminds me of my much older, much more creaky Canon M. This one was paired with the 50mm f/1.8, a typical walk-around lens. With the two together, I had a lightweight, easy-to-handle bundle. Snappy and crisp, the lens was perfect for capturing the family and the scenery at golden hour.

A few things I noticed while shooting with the R:

  • I missed the optical viewfinder – the digital viewfinder was decent, but not like looking through a mirror
  • I also missed the instant “on” of an optical viewfinder – the digital version took a second to detect my eye and switch on
  • The grip was perfect for my hands, and the smaller size and weight was a welcome break from my hefty 5D
  • Image quality and classic Canon colors were all there – no need to switch from my Canon-trained eye

This was the camera system of my future. Unfortunately for Canon, I have no plans on upgrading anytime soon. My 5D, 6D, and Canon M aren’t broken, and while I feel a bit of gear lust, it’s not a strong enough pull to make me spend anything on a new camera, let alone new lenses. Someday, sure, but my investments in the EOS system keep me grounded in what I have.

Still, it was nice to get outside and try something new – a rite of spring.