Snow Day
There’s nothing like a snow storm to get the family out of the cabin fever funk.
It’s also a great excuse to get the ol’ point and shoot camera out, dust off the lens, and take some photos of the outside activities. Despite the broken battery door, my Canon PowerShot SD750 still works great, and shoots fine.
This thing and me go way back. We’ve been on many adventures, from road trips through New England to hiking in Zion, and all of life before I purchased my first DSLR.
This weekend, when the snow started to accumulate, I broke out the SD750 while me and the boy went sledding, and then to capture all the fun in the yard when we got home. After all, if it gets wet, no big loss.
A side benefit: the photo files loaded lickety split into Lightroom.
February 15, 2018 @ 3:32 am
Hi Dave. Thanks for sharing your pictures … especially ‘snowy day’ which takes me back, way back, in time! Here in Margate Kent UK we rarely see the white stuff any more.
I also use an old Canon as my pocket-rocket-always-carry-go-to. Mine is a bit newer than yours, an Ixus 80IS here [maybe Powershot SD1100 where you are?]
My ‘proper cameras’ were sold long ago but this summer I plan to play with a couple of second hand Lomography 35mm … after all, that’s what I grew up with and what got me into photography to start with.
Thanks again. Regards Colin
February 15, 2018 @ 2:25 pm
So great, thanks for sharing Colin. PowerShots are still good for just about anything you want to do.