New Camera Strap
Maybe it’s waking up out of winter, or maybe it’s just a little more sunshine affecting my brain – but I recently splurged on some photography gear.
This year, to kick off my project, I treated myself to a new camera strap from Gordy’s. It’s not going to make my photos better, and it’s not one of those $100 artisan leather products that get all the reviews. It’s a simple leather strap that holds my Canonet around my neck. And it’s dark brown, with red and burgundy accents.
It’s half fashion, half pragmatism. My old strap was a simple nylon affair, thin and unassuming. It did the job, sure, but not well, and it wouldn’t win any beauty contests. With this new leather strap, at least I feel like human beings made it with attention and care.
I also have this thing where all my camera straps need to be brown. Whatever.
Gordy’s does this nice thing where they feature photographers’ cameras on their photo gallery. A nice way to show off gear, and their product. They have a great Instagram account, too.
August 11, 2017 @ 10:22 am
Nice and to the point!
And love that camera! Have you compared this Gordy’s to some of the $100 artisan leather ones by Tap and Dye, Hawkesmill and others? I’d love to get your take on whether you think the extra money is worth it. I’m thinking of this wrist strap but want to know if the extra cost is worth it.
Is the Gordy’s really soft and comfortable?
August 14, 2017 @ 1:46 pm
I don’t have $100 to spend on a strap, so no – I haven’t tried any others. Really, I wanted a “good ’nuff” one to get me through the year, and Gordy’s does the trick. I’d say it’s comfortable, but I don’t know about soft. The camera is light enough that there’s not a bunch of weight there anyway.