Thanks Tumblr
Okay, @staff picks me for Radar twice in one day? Unheard of.
Thursday was a fun day. Thanks so much, Tumblr!
Okay, @staff picks me for Radar twice in one day? Unheard of.
Thursday was a fun day. Thanks so much, Tumblr!
All things being equal, Oregon deserves to win just because of their…uh…vigor.
As true today as it was in 2011.
Natural Light Portraits by Cristina Hoch
You want to see what someone with a creative eye can do with a consumer camera and a kit lens?
And I thought I had some nice cloud photos. Wow.
(via The only ultimate disaster that can befall us, I have come to… – but does it float)
One of my favorite spots on my morning commute. It’s fun to see this little barn change from season to season.
The landscape version might make a good desktop wallpaper, eh?
Exploring the W. K. Kellogg Manor House on a recent job retreat.
(yes, that Kellogg)
A lovely estate that is now run as a biological station by Michigan State University.
Had a chance to try out Fuji’s Astia film simulation mode on the Fuji XE-1. Lots of contrast and color. Not bad.