All You Need Is 1


You don’t need a certain number of followers, a “passive income,” a “monetization strategy” or “1000 true fans” to justify sharing your work.

All you need is 1.

1 person liked my writing enough to hire me at my current company (that’s 15 years of salary and benefits so far).

1 person liked my dating profile (which is most definitely a writing and photography project) enough to eventually marry me and start a family.

1 person read my most recent book more than a year ago and decided to publish it to their customer list of 100,000+ people.

1 fan could be your next business partnership, employer or spouse.

1 fan justifies your next book, blog and podcast.

1 fan can give your work all the meaning it ever needs.

So right.

1 fan justifies your next book, blog and podcast.

Having dinner to talk about art with one person. Urbexing with one (or two) photographers. Talking about my big project with one important person in the community.

Person by person. Project by project. Photo by photo.