September 17, 2020
Missed the county fair this year. That’s an annual tradition we look forward to every year.
I miss not feeling anxious every time one of the kids gets a cough or the sniffles.
I miss eating out at restaurants.
I miss a time when medical advice wasn’t automatically political.
I miss movie theaters.
I miss the kids not knowing the name of a particular virus, and begging for it to be over.
I miss a time when large wars killed this many people, not a pandemic, recklessness, and stupidity.
I miss jumping on a plane and going somewhere.
I miss not feeling anxious when I see people not wearing a mask in public places.
I miss in-person work conferences and connecting with people in my industry.
I miss concerts and live music.
I miss a time when America was a leader in the world for something good.
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misc , photography
2020 , coronavirus , summer
September 17, 2020 @ 10:36 am
I’m right there with you… I miss having credible leaders that cared about something other than their own self interest. That cared about the people they supposedly serve.